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Kayak & SUP Trip - Saysutshun (Newcastle Island) Marine Provincial Park

  • 05 Jul 2024
  • 09:00
  • 07 Jul 2024
  • 18:00
  • Saysutshun (Newcastle Island) Marine Provincial Park


  • For those who will Kayak. We will walk on the Horseshoe Bay to Departure Bay ferry and paddle from the the ferry terminal to the island
  • For those that will camp but bring a SUP

Registration is closed

Club trip to Saysutshun (Newcastle Island) Marine Provincial Park just of Naniamo.

This trip is aimed at kayakers who are beginner campers but others are welcome to join us if there is room. Priority will be given to those who want to gain camping experience and test their skills rolling on & off BC Ferries. We'll take up to ten kayaks (12 people assuming couples in doubles).

This is a joint adventure with SUP fleet. SUP fleet participants can also register on the SUP Trip event.

For kayakers: this is a roll-on roll-off camping trip. We will transport the kayaks to Horseshoe Bay Ferry Terminal (and gain experience lashing kayaks onto cars). We will roll onto the ferry, roll-off at Discovery Bay, walk the kayaks to the launching site and paddle to Saysutshun. 

For SUP: probably need some cars to travel on the ferry to carry the SUPs. But some may be able to walk on carrying camping gear and take the bas/taxi to the Saysutshun ferry,

We have a group campsite for two nights (Friday, Saturday). 

  • Friday - ferry probably 12:00pm ferry
  • Saturday - day trip
  • Sunday - morning trip 
    Return  - ferry probably 3:20pm

For kayakers: the longest day will be up to 20 km of paddling depending on weather conditions and group skills. Depending on numbers, we may split into two groups for day excursions. Day trip destinations will depend on the weather:

  • Hudsons Rocks / Pipers Lagoon Park
  • Gabriola (East Coast)
  • Descanso Bay / Park
  • Nanaimo River

This is an explorer trip: paddling will be more aimed at exploring the coastline and islands.

We have the option of eating a supper at the Dinghy Dock Pub on neighbouring Protection Island

Pre-requisite experience:  Level 1 skills. Some experience paddling in wind and chop. Ability to paddle at 3-4 km/h for 4-5 hours or 15-20km (with breaks). Competent in self-rescues and assisted rescue.

We will be limited to 12 campers, so if more apply to join we will select names based on experience or at random.  There will be a trip planning meeting with all participants the week before the trip and a test paddle as a group from Jericho.  

Transportation: we will need cars for transporting kayaks to Horseshoe Bay. We'll book as walk-on passengers (with kayaks) with BC Ferries

Costs: Club Locarno trip fee, ferry, share of camping fee, share of parking fee at Horseshoe Bay.

Any questions about the trip, please contact Mark at kayaking@clublocarno.com

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